Our School
Burger Baylor
"Burger School for Students with Autism is committed to maximizing the potential of each student to gain independence and self-fulfillment. Through a collaborative effort we will work in partnership with students, each other, parents, community, and local school districts to assure each student has the opportunity to become a happy, healthy, productive and contributing member of society."
Dena Jayson, Principal jaysond@gardencityschools.com
Bryan Rock, Associate Principal rockb@gardencityschools.com
Full Day: 8:05 AM – 2:56 PM
Half Day: 8:05 AM – 11:15 AM
Burger Baylor
The Burger Program is a center-based school for Western-Wayne County students with an Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis. Our program operates in two separate buildings. At Burger Baylor, students range in age from first through twelfth grade. Burger Transition Center services our post secondary students.
Eligibility for Burger School is through a referral process which starts with a student’s resident district Special Education department. Since the program is center-based and considered restrictive, the student referral process includes a review of less restrictive options in the resident district or other ASD classrooms in the Western-Wayne County Region. When a student’s needs require a center based program a referral may be made to Burger School by the student’s resident district..
Student profiles, parent questionnaires, resident district IEP assessment and documentation comprise the intake packet to start the referral process.
If you have questions please feel free to contact our school and ask to speak to our social workers.
Burger Baylor School
28865 Carlysle Inkster, MI 48141
Phone: (734) 729-1830 Fax: (734) 729-1844